Palazzo Salis

Palazzo Salis in Tirano is one of the most important of Valtellina

Tirano SO, Italy

Palazzo Salis

Tirano SO, Italy

11km from Villa del Lupo

Palazzo Salis

Palazzo Salis in Tirano is one of the most important of Valtellina

Palazzo Salis has remained through the centuries always owned by the Counts Salis (later Sertoli Salis) family. The basic structure consists of a late 1500s, façade flanked by two towers, with a central baroque portal built on a design by Giacomo Barozzi called “Il Vignola”, the great Italian Mannerist Architect. From the entrance we pass through a cross-vaulted portico to enter the beautiful Italian-style inner garden, one of the most important gardens in Lombardy, and certainly a great example in Valtellina of a noble garden.

Inside the palace the museum circuit, with 10 decorated and frescoed rooms which have all been recently restored, ending with the so called “Saloncello”, an important vaulted hall and meeting place for the political power of Valtellina in the 17th and 18th centuries. Within the circuit also the Baroque family church dedicated to Saint Charles Borromeo and the italian style garden, a hidden jewel.

All rooms of the museum overlook the ancient sixteenth century courtyard called “the rustic court” or “horses courtyard”. The museum tour starts by walking up the main staircase and passing through the main Hall featuring a beautifully frescoed ceiling and baroque pictorial decorations all around, which have been attributed to a painter named Antonio Cucchi. The main Hall decorations have been restored in the 80ies of the last century, under the supervision of the Superintendence Environmental and Architectural Heritage. Palazzo Salis is one of the most important palaces in the province of Sondrio.